*W brand maxi pads 18ct: Sale $2.00 - $2 RR = Free after RR
*(4) Depends fit kit: Reg $2.49 - 4x $3/1 mfr coupons - $3 RR = Free plus $3 RR
Cinnamon 2.37oz: Reg $1.79
Saved over 100%
*Donation to local women's shelter and local nursing facility
I did have an issue here with using the coupons on the depends. The first three coupons scanned fine, but the fourth $3 off coupon would not scan. The cashier told me she couldn't use it. I was confused why it wasn't working, and it turns out the first three were not adjusted down to $2.49 like they should've been. I asked her if they had a copy of the coupon policy handy so we could check, but she said no. So, the manager came over (also said he didn't have a copy of the policy) and changed the fourth one to $1 off, making the total discount $10, which was close enough to the $9.96 total for the four items. Fine with me, just annoying that the manager told me, "I'm not supposed to do this." Ugh, it's not worth the hassle for this, but I was already there.
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